poetry lab


  • Custom-made educational web application
  • Survey
  • Well-organized educational resources
  • Interactive process of learning


Special Arts — www.gedichtenlaboratorium.nl


This project encourages the writing of poetry for people with intellectual disabilities, both for their enjoyment and for the enhancement of language skills. Through using the methods offered here, individuals acquire skills that allow them to become more confident participants in verbal communication.

The custom-made online component of this project features an interactive version of the steps involved in writing a poem and makes available a significant amount of resources on the subject for attendants, therapists, parents and teachers.

This is a Blindschelders & Raadsman project.

What I did for this website:

In 2021 we decided to reorganize the site to make it more user friendly. With our list of resources continuing to grow, with many new featured projects to display, and a wealth of new articles focused on our subject matter, we needed to make this bounty of information easier to navigate and search through. I used WordPress and a very flexible existing theme to redesign and update the website to accommodate every requirement.



  • WordPress
  • Online catalog of over 50 art classes
  • Classes can be organized by department, by day, by teacher
  • Students can enroll in classes online through a custom-built enrollment plugin that connects to the school’s student administration
  • Several online payment options are offered
  • Custom-built WordPress theme
  • Unusual navigation: mega menu
  • Scrolling effect
  • Optimization of the search function within the website
  • Content of the site is updated by a small team


Art institute Stichting MK24 Amsterdam — MK24.nl




  • Extensive artist portrait and portfolio web site
  • WordPress
  • Image gallery
  • Secondary menus
  • Scrolling effects
  • Mobile friendly
  • Contact form


Vali Myers Art Gallery Trust — valimyerstrust.com


Organizing the content and structuring the web site in collaboration with Romy Ashby.



  • Web site with comprehensive information on writing classes
  • WordPress
  • Class enrollment forms
  • Modular pages for easier updating
  • Mobile friendly
  • Contact form


Jessie van Vlodrop — verhalenvangers.com


Recently given a thorough redesign by Gertrude Lok of  6500kelvin.nl, it now features a more efficient structure and a livelier feel.



  • Informational community web site
  • WordPress
  • Existing WordPress theme
  • Playful design
  • Scrolling effects
  • Mobile friendly
  • Contact and registration forms


Platform Theater — platform-theater.nl


The existing WP theme we used was personalized to match their magazine and logo designed by Atelier Oost.